Dr. Balkrishna Ghimire

Research Director


                              2012             Ph.D. (Plant Taxonomy), Kangwon National University, South Korea

Title of Dissertation- Taxonomy of Taxaceae s. l. based on Anatomical Characters and Cladistic Analysis

                              2005              M.Sc. (Botany), Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal

2003              B.Sc. (Biology), Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal


Research Interest:

  • Plant systematics
  • Plant morphology and anatomy
  • Plant molecular biology
  • Plant ecology


Work Experience

  1. 2014- till Post-doc researcher in Plant Seed Test Laboratory, Plant Conservation Division, Korea National Arboretum, Pocheon 487-829, Korea.
  2. 2012- 2013 December Post-doc in Oriental Bio-herb Research Institute, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-701, Korea.
  3. 2008-2012 February Ph.D. Scholar in Department of Applied Plant Sciences, Kangwon national University, Chuncheon Korea
  4. 2005-2007 Teaching Assistant in Botany Department Tri-chandra Multiple Campus (Tribhuvan University), Ghantaghar Kathm




  1. Ghimire B, et al. (2017). Morphological studies on seed of Scrophulariaceae s.l. and their systematic significance. A book chapter in “Advances in Sees Biology”, ISBN 978-953-51-5602-4. InTechOpen publication (in press)
  2. Ghimire B, et al. (2016). Seed morphology of12 taxa of the genus Thalictrum  (Thalictroideae, Ranunculaceae) and its systematic implication. Phytotaxa 73(3): 271-285.
  3. Choi GE, Ghimire B, et al. (2016). Scarification and stratification protocols for breaking dormancy of Rubus (Rosaceae) species in Korea. Seed Science and Technology 44(2): 239-252.
  4. Jeong MJ,   Choi GE,   Ghimire B et al.   (2016).Effect of Seed Collection Stage and Temperature on Germination of Deutzia paniculata Nakai, the Korea Native Species. Korean Journal of Horticulture Science and Technology 34(3): 372-382.
  5. Ghimire B, et al. (2016). Achene morphology of Saussurea species (Asteraceae, Cardueae) in Korea and its systematic implications. Botanical journal of the Linnean Society 181: 691-710.
  6. Ghimire B, et al. (2016) Fruit morphology and anatomy of Persicaria chinensis (L.) H. Gross (Polygonaceae). The Journal of Japanese Botany 91: 218-225.
  7. Ghimire B, Lee CH and Heo K (2015). Wood Anatomy and Phylogenetic Relationship in Taxaceae l. Australian Systematic Botany 28:160–172.
  8. Ghimire B, Lee CH, Yang JC and Heo K (2015). Comparative leaf anatomy of some Abies and Picea Acta Botanica Brasilica 29(3): 346-353.
  9. Ghimire B, Jeong MJ, Choi GE, Lee H, Suh GU, Heo K and Ku JJ (2015). Seed morphology of the subfamily Helleboroideae and its systematic implication. Flora 216:6–25.
  10. Ghimire B, Lee CH, Yang JC and Heo K (2015). Comparative leaf anatomy of native and cultivated Pinus (Pinaceae) in Korea: implication for the subgeneric classification. Plant Systematics and Evolution 301: 531–540.
  11. Ghimire B, Jeong MJ, Choi GE, Lee H, Lee KM, Lee CH and Suh GU (2015). Embryo, seed coat and pericarp development in Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai (Oleaceae): A rare and endemic plant of Korea. Korean Journal of Plant Resources 28(3): 350–356.
  12. Ghimire B and Heo K (2014). Embryology of Abeliophyllum distichum (Oleaceae), an endemic genus of Kor Nordic Journal of Botany 32: 632–641.
  13. Ghimire B, Kim M, Lee JH and Heo K (2014). Leaf anatomy of Pinus thubergii (Pinaceae) collected from different regions of Korea. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy. 44(2): 91-99
  14. Ghimire B, Lee CH and Heo K (2014). Leaf Anatomy and its implications for phylogenetic relationship in Taxaceae l. Journal of Plant Research. 127:373–388.
  15. Ghimire B and Heo K (2014). Cladistic analysis of Taxaceae l. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 300:217–223.
  16. Ghimire B and Heo K (2012). Embryology of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal (Solanaceae). Acta Biologica Carcoviensia Series Botanic 54(2), 69-78.
  17. Ghimire B and Heo K (2012). Embryology of Jeffersonia dubia Baker et S.  Moor (Berberidaceae) and comparison with allied gener Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy. 42(4), 260-266.
  18. Ghimire B, Ghimire BK and Heo K (2012). Anatomy of vegetative parts of Bergenia ciliate (H) Sternb. (Saxifragaceae): A potential medicinal herb. International Journal of Botany. 8(3), 136-144.
  19. Ghimire B, Ghimire BK and Heo K (2011). Seed morphology and seed coat anatomy of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal (Solanaceae). Korean Journal of Plant Taxonom 41(2), 103-107.
  20. Ghimire BK, Seong ES, Kim EH, Ghimeray AK, Yu CY, Ghimire B and Chung IM (2011). A comparative evaluation of the antioxidant activity of some medicinal plants popularly used in Nepal. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research .5(10), 1884-
  21. Ghimire B, Ghimire BK and Heo K (2011). Microsporogenesis in Rauvolfia serpentine (L.) ex Kurz (Apocynaceae): An evidence for dual cytokinesis in microspore mother cell Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 5(3), 432-438.
  22. Ghimre AK, Sharma P, Ghimire BK, Lamsal K, Ghimire B and Cho DH (2010). Wild edible angiosperms plants of Illam Hills (Eastern Nepal) and their mode of use by the local community. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonom 40(1), 74-77.
  23. Ghimire B, Shin DY and Heo K (2010). Embryology of Gymnospermium microrrhynchum (Berberidaceae). Korean Journal of Taxonom 40(4), 226-233.
  24. Ghimire B, Mainali KP, Lekha HD, Chaudhary RP and Ghimre AK (2010). Regeneration of Pinus wallichiana AB Jackson in a trans-Himalayan dry valley of north-central Nepal. Himalayan Journal of Scien 6(8), 19-26.
  25. Ghimire B, Lekhak HD, Chaudhary RP and Vetaas OR (2008). Vegetation analysis along an altitudinal gradient of Juniperus indica forest in southern aspect of Manang valley, Nepal. International Journal of Ecology and Development. 9(W08), 20-
  26. Shrestha BB, Ghimire B, Lekhak HD and Jha PK (2007). Regeneration of tree line birch (Betula utilis D.D)  forest in  trans-Himilayan  dry  valley  in  central  Nepal. Mountain Research and Development.  27(3), 259-267.
  27. Ghimire B and Lekhak HD (2007). Regeneration of Abies spectabilis (D. Don.) Mirb in sub alpine forest of upper Manang, north central Nepal. Ram Chaudhary, Tor H. Aase, Ole R. Vetaas, Bhim P. Subedi. (Eds.) Local Effects of Large-scale Global Changes - A Case Study in the Himalayas Nepal, pp. 139-149. Publishers: Tribhuvan University, Nepal and University of Bergen, Norway.



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